Gegensatz Press
Gegensatz Press books analyze, satirize, tantalize, but do not compromise.
The Absolute Boot, or, The Journeyman Cobbler Steeped in Hegel's Philosophy by Friedrich Ludwig Lindner, translated by Lawrence S. Stepelevich

ISBN 978-1-933237-13-8 (paperback), $8.95
ISBN 978-1-933237-42-8 (PDF e-book), $4.95

The Absolute Boot, or,
The Journeyman Cobbler
Steeped in Hegel's Philosophy

  by Friedrich Ludwig Lindner
  translated by Lawrence S. Stepelevich

You don't need to
be a philosopher to
get a good laugh
out of this play!

The only English translation
of this rollicking two-act satire
of Hegelian philosophy, written
in 1844 by a German journalist.

Any purchaser of ten
copies of this book
may perform the play
without paying
royalties. Otherwise,
please contact the
publisher about
performance rights.
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