Gegensatz Press
Gegensatz Press books analyze, satirize, tantalize, but do not compromise.
Ruminations, Volume 3: The Frozen Landscape by Eric v.d. Luft

ISBN 978-1-62130-697-9 (PDF e-book), $2.95
From the Preface to all volumes:
"Since the 1970s I have pursued three separate but overlapping
and sometimes simultaneous careers: (1) philosopher / writer /
teacher / historian of the long nineteenth century, 1789-1914;
(2) editor / translator / photographer / publisher / biographer /
encyclopedist; (3) cataloging librarian / rare books and special
collections librarian / historian of medicine. Somehow these
three vocations have garnered me some acclaim, even an
entry in Who's Who in America. Each of them has resulted
in some published or presented works. Because these works
have been scattered in a wide variety of venues, some of
which have gone out of print or have otherwise become
generally unavailable - and of course with the oral
presentations being gone as soon as they are given -
I have thought it wise to select, epitomize, and bring
them together in one place - here. Thus, what follows
is what I consider to be the most important of my
shorter works."

Selected Philosophical, Historical,
and Ideological Papers, Volume 3:
The Frozen Landscape

  by Eric v.d. Luft


1. Many Answers to the "Dreaded Question"
2. Nothing
3. From Self-Consciousness to Reason in Hegel's
    Phenomenology of Spirit: Aporia Overcome,
    Aporia Sidestepped, or Organic Transition?
4. Nietzsche as Hegelian?
5. Hegel's Use of Metaphors
6. Is Schopenhauer a Lumper or a Splitter?
7. Heidegger's Luddite Theology
8. The Principle of Sufficient Reason as the Principle
    of the Ultimate Ground of Being
9. What Does the Ontological Argument Prove?
10. Miracles, Revelation, and the Religious Standpoint
11. The Fallacy of Possible Worlds
12. The Concept of Power in the Metaphysics of Edward Pols
13. The Subjectivist Egalitarian Fallacy
14. Excerpt: Editor's Preface, The Socialist Reader (2015)
15. Bullough, Pepper, Merleau-Ponty, and the Phenomenology
    of Perceiving Animals
16. Poem: "On Reading Poetry in a Car Service Waiting Room"
17. Poem: "Cancer Panic"
18. Poem: "Twilight Meditation"

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