Gegensatz Press
Gegensatz Press books analyze, satirize, tantalize, but do not compromise.
Bibliography of English Translations of the Writings of Martin Heidegger (1949-2022) by Miles Groth

ISBN 978-1-62130-821-8 (PDF e-book), $3.95

Bibliography of English Translations of the
Writings of Martin Heidegger (1949-2022)

  by Miles Groth

This is a comprehensive and indispensable book
for all serious anglophone students of Heidegger.

Based upon but not limited to the Gesamtausgabe, its 261
entries provide bibliographic details of Heidegger's works
in over 400 English versions.

But Groth has put together more than an enumeration
of titles. Among his other useful sections are:

An alphabetical list of all the translators and what they have translated.

The up-to-date contents of the Gesamtausgabe.

Lists of videos, audio recordings, and audiobooks in German and English.

Heidegger's texts which have been translated into
English, listed both by title and by date of composition.

Heidegger's lecture courses and seminars, listed by
dates of composition, presentation, and publication.

We can learn quite a bit about Heidegger just by scanning
these chronologies, discerning a genetic progression in his thought,
seeing not only what interests English translators, but also what
interested him at the various stages of his career, and perhaps
even gathering evidence to pinpoint the "turning(s)."

Extensive cross-references enable easy movement among all categories.

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