Gegensatz Press
Gegensatz Press books analyze, satirize, tantalize, but do not compromise.
Books about Politics
A Socialist Manifesto by Eric v.d. Luft
Losing My Patience: Why I Quit the Medical Game by Mickey Lebowitz, M.D.
I Wanna Do Everything! An Essay on Dissipation, Arrogance, and the Life of the Mind by Sarah Penn
Die at the Right Time: A Subjective Cultural History of the American Sixties by Eric v.d. Luft
Un Manifiesto Socialista por Eric v.d. Luft, traducido del Inglés por Tanya Davis-Castro
The Socialist Reader, edited by Eric v.d. Luft
An Imaginary Conversation with Muhammad Ali by Eric v.d. Luft The Broken Jug: A Dramatic Comedy About Thwarted Rape by Heinrich von Kleist The Gas Heart by Tristan Tzara, Le coeur a gaz translated by Eric v.d. Luft Hit: A Critical Edition of the Polemical Autobiography of America's First Woman Surgeon by Mary Edwards Walker, M.D. Critique's Quarrel with Church and State by Edgar Bauer Drag Me Out Like a Lady: An Activist's Journey, by Jentri Anders
How the Conservatives Ruined America by Eric v.d. Luft How the Conservatives Ruined America - 2nd edition, with an Appendix on Trumpism by Eric v.d. Luft Ten Revolutionary Martyrs: Jesus of Nazareth, Thomas Münzer, Jean-Paul Marat, Rosa Luxemburg, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Patrice Lumumba, Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Martin Luther King, Salvador Allende by Eric v.d. Luft How to Tell if a Conservative is Dead and Other Musings on Life by Mary Wehrheim Dynamic Humanism, volume 3: The Dictatorship of the Intelligentsia: An Approach to Political Philosophy by Eric v.d. Luft